Infographics: Salesforce + QuickBooks = Increased Sales

Found this infographics from Salesforce,  sharing it as we are the Top rated integrator in this space. CRM applications are popular business tools because they instantly organize customer data from various channels and present it in one unified view. Pairing your accounting software, such as Quickbooks, with your CRM solution can further maximize your small […]

DBSync Cloud Replication for Salesforce – Released

DBSync Cloud Replication 3.0 is here with many new features. Highlights and features of DBSync’s Cloud Replication 3.0: Automating the creation of Schema for Salesforce data, thereby reducing a Database Administrators involvement in maintaining schemas. (Huge time saver…) One of the biggest challenges in replication and archiving in an application like Salesforce is that you “the setup […]


Authentication via OfficeCRM 365

SharePoint Online uses Claims based Authentication and to authenticate via Java application is not documented enough. Initially Wictor Wilén’s tutorial is a nice help in implementing it in .Net framework. It allows to analyze the request and response going through application and Claims based Authentication  through Fiddler S/w . The actual Hard Work begins while […]

Oracle – finally into “front” of the Cloud – @Open World

Oracle finally gets into the game of Cloud @OpenWorld, atleast in the “FRONT” of it, as its been driving most of the backend/database for most SaaS applications, including that of Salesforce. After watching from the sidelines, Larry Ellison gets into adopting the Cloud. After years of first questioning SaaS models feasibility, then accepting (subtly) and […]

3 Reasons why Sales and Inventory forecasting software fail

Most of the large & medium size manufacturing companies & retail chain stores have inventory forecasting software’s for forecasting inventory & future sales number based on past data, industry trends & economic conditions all statistical based inventory and sales forecasting models or software’s aren’t 100% accurate but have you ever thought this inventory forecasting software’s […]

Issues with substandard Data Quality

Quality of data plays a major critical role in industries like retail, telecommunications & financial services with large customer base. Most organizations falling under these industries in a rush to capture market share and to add new customers give secondary thought to quality of data captured, leading to substandard customer data with inaccurate, duplicate & […]

Data Quality in Data Integration

Data, as much as it is a lifeblood of our business, can also be Achilles Heel for various reasons, sometimes reasons best known to none! If you are in the Business Data Integration stream, the complexity only multiplies exponentially. When you are selling an integration product, you are by default understood as flawless integrator of […]

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