Why is it Essential for Small Businesses to Integrate CRM and QuickBooks?

The CRM (Customer Relationship Management) referred in this blog represents CRM likes Salesforce.com and Microsoft Dynamics CRM are well known business tools due its capacity to instantly manage customer data from different channels and demonstrate it in one consolidated view. Matching up your QuickBooks or your accounting software with your CRM solution can  boost and widen the effectiveness of […]

Finding What to Sell Next to your Customer

You need what marketers and data miners call – Market Basket Analysis. My last blog described finding similar-looking customers using Cluster segmentation. This blog will provide an introduction to Market Basket Analysis. Why care about DBSync talk about this concept. We believe that centralizing data from CRM, Social & Accounting can provide data for mining […]

Infographics: Salesforce + QuickBooks = Increased Sales

Found this infographics from Salesforce,  sharing it as we are the Top rated integrator in this space. CRM applications are popular business tools because they instantly organize customer data from various channels and present it in one unified view. Pairing your accounting software, such as Quickbooks, with your CRM solution can further maximize your small […]

Oracle – finally into “front” of the Cloud – @Open World

Oracle finally gets into the game of Cloud @OpenWorld, atleast in the “FRONT” of it, as its been driving most of the backend/database for most SaaS applications, including that of Salesforce. After watching from the sidelines, Larry Ellison gets into adopting the Cloud. After years of first questioning SaaS models feasibility, then accepting (subtly) and […]

Quickfix: Issues with upgrading or installing Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010

We ran into a problem with upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 and did not find much documentation to solve it. We were consistently getting error at The following SQL statement produced an error: CREATE VIEW GL10000CurrencyTranslationView AS select [GL10000Final].[OPENYEAR], [GL10000Final].[ACTINDX], [GL10000Final].[CRDTAMNT], [GL10000Final].[DEBITAMT], [GL10000Final].[ORCRDAMT], [GL10000Final].[ORDBTAMT], [GL10000Final].[TRXDATE], [GL10000Final].[DSCRIPTN], …

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